Mobile ANT

Therapeutic animal visits for seniors, schools, & more.

Mobile ANT provides a unique opportunity for a multitude of community members to experience the joy, comfort, and therapeutic benefits of animal interaction. Our visiting therapy animals include: horses, miniature horse, miniature mule, goats, dogs, chickens, & rabbits. Visits are available to senior care facilities, schools, universities, and businesses for mental & behavioral health support.
Please note: Mobile ANT is not a petting zoo service, and we reserve the right to refuse any request that does meet our mission (e.g. birthday parties, photo ops, certain public events/appearances, etc). Thank you for your understanding!

For Senior Care Facilities

Interested in having our therapy animals visit at your senior care facility? We serve the greater Whatcom County area and offer one-hour visits with horses, mini-horses, and small animals (rabbits, goats, chickens, and dogs). Our unique intergenerational visits bring therapy animals & youth volunteers to engage with seniors, offering youth a chance to appreciate elders & aging in a positive way, and helping elders discover that they have value as their stories and presence are enjoyed. In addition, elders also benefit from the physiological effects of animal interaction, such as lowered blood pressure & reduced cortisol levels.

Our therapy animals are groomed prior to each visit, and handled by trained staff & volunteers. Our team is equipped to visit indoors & outdoors.

2024 Rates:

1-Hour visit with Small Animals (rabbits, chickens, goats, dogs) – $175.00
1-Hour visit with Horses + Miniature Horses – $250.00

*Note: Rates are valid for 1-hour visits within 20 miles from our farm. A distance fee applies for visits outside this radius. Please contact us for a quote!

For Schools

Our Mobile ANT program brings dogs, rabbits, chickens, goats, and miniature horses to K-12 classrooms to educate students about empathy, self-awareness, healthy behaviors, emotion regulation, and more. Through hands-on animal curriculum, youth can learn important skills, reduce stress, anxiety & depression, and improve their focus & motivation to engage in school. Our animals also provide crisis support as part of the Bellingham School District Mobile Response Team (can be requested by any school).

Curriculum is created following consultation with teacher or school counselor and can be personalized to fit particular student/classroom needs. Our therapy animals are groomed prior to each visit, and handled by trained staff & volunteers. Our team is equipped to visit indoors & outdoors.

Grant funding is currently available for Bellingham Public Schools that provides a 30% discount.

For Corporate Events

We are proud to offer fun, meaningful, & therapeutic animal experiences for your guests or employees. These visits are designed to reduce anxiety, promote socialization & engagement, improve focus & concentration, and offer comfort & emotional support.

Fees depend on location, event duration, number of guests, and hours requested. Please contact us for a quote.

Mobile ANT has partnered with Microsoft to provide a “Cuddle Corner” at large events, helping employees de-stress from busy expos.

Contact Jaime at to see how our animals can help you!

Have a business or other Mobile ANT request?

Fill out a request and our Mobile ANT coordinator will be in touch with you soon!

Or have additional questions?



Volunteer with Mobile ANT

We look for families & individuals with a love for animals, appropriate emotion & behavior regulation, and ability to make a 6-month commitment of at least one visit per month. Due to facility schedules, some Mobile ANT visits are held during the school day so homeschooling families may be a great fit. If interested, please visit our volunteer page.

Support Mobile ANT Visits!

Donations allow us to provide Mobile ANT to facilities & schools that lack the budget for our services by providing discounts and sponsored visits! Please consider a gift that will bring comfort, joy, and learning.



“I don’t have a close relationship with my own grandparents. So I give my love to these people in the home.”
– Youth Volunteer

“Thanks to you, I feel like I’m making a difference by making seniors happy by bringing animals in for the company.”
– Shuksan Middle School Student

“I met a lady whose name is Boots. She had a stroke and she can’t move around. One day she came to talk to me and said that I was pretty. She told me her story and I told her mine. At the end, she held my hands and we cried together. We don’t judge each other. We are just the same. She said she didn’t want to live after the stroke, but meeting me made her want to be alive.”
– Teen in Recovery

“It’s amazing how an old man sitting with a chicken on his lap will come to life as he remembers his childhood on a farm, or how the presence of Gabby [the Golden Retriever] can delight a nursing home resident missing her own pet.”
– Mobile ANT Staff Member

“I’m so happy right now! This is the best thing ever.” ~ Microsoft Event Guest

“This is so calming.”

“Holding a bunny really is relaxing, isn’t it? I needed this.”

“Two minutes with animals and I’ve changed my whole outlook on life.”